New Consortium, 'centro commerciale of Urbino', new building
volumes under the walls of a Renaissance: a garden failure
project with a difficult dialogue with
the existing built in record time by the will of the administration
of Urbino. Conflictual relationship with the historic center : how
the project relates to the adjacent walls of the sixteenth century
and the profile of the Unesco heritage city , in the area of the
Old Consortium , under S. Bartolo? The designer and ' building
permit ' have established a relationship? which one? It is a new
volume that overlaps and contrasts systematically , despite the
green built , with the skyline of the city of Urbino by altering
the balance heavily from the south side . An apparent conflict exists
between the circuit and the Renaissance walls of the village and
a landscape no longer pristine but altered by large volumes of bricks
off the ground and shielded by the green system . The project did
not have to hear it to see how volume , but it's exactly the opposite
happened . The site could accommodate only and exclusively a ' quiet
garden ' seamlessly integrated with terraces and underground volumes
and not above the profile of the center. An unsolved problem in
the design phase is now irreversible."
relationship with the city center is the entire volume in cubic
meters of project and product variant certified in the planning
instrument and in the features of the facade of the firm and jagged
' embricature ' 2 floors above ground that overlap systematically
from every point of view the facades and roofs of the city of Urbino.
The contrast is to overlap : chromatic , and tectonic perspective
. The project, in essence, is inimical to the architectural features
of medieval and Renaissance art, which disorients the viewer a hard
time in distiguere textures , shades of brick medieval and renaissance
with those put in place in 2011. A design error already seen the
new cover of the ducal date . What you probably wanted to be a formal
virtuosity all referred to the good outcome of the individual solutions
, with terraces built into the green , is , in the result, all but
a garden. A project with a unique design process (given the exceptional
site where you go to sell ) resulted from simple collaboration between
a private company and public administration with a brief conclusion
of the planning practice and the issuance of all permits . No consultation
, no popular consultation (required for a project as sensitive as
this one) , no participatory process and no variation in the course
of work to improve the original design . Nancy according to the
city council . The company together with the Municipality merely
inform citizens in project ended with an exhibition and event marketing
criteria studied . We are faced with a paradigmatic case of ' urban
contracted ' school who has already done in our country."
- October 2012

building volumes 'above ground' in the Renaissance walls and adjacent
to the Convent of St. Chiara; detail and overview.
work , expensive and unnecessary , " The Data? " Scarred ". The
slip ? " Needless ." The new parking lots? " Mah .. ". Friends Urbino
write to me quite alarmed by the growing magnitude and impact of
the work going on in Saint Lucia and San Bartolo. Jobs that - unfortunately
as has already happened with the date , unwatchable as expensive
- will deeply affect the profile of the walls and the old city itself.
Urbino , as it is known , has decreased in the whole wide Municipality
( 23,000 ha) to 15,000 inhabitants, of whom fewer than 1,000 residents
in the historic center , occupied by universities and by a constellation
of landlords . Tourism is here purely seasonal : about 200,000 entries
in the Ducal Palace every year , concentrated between June and August
( when the weather is bad on the Riviera ) . But for years comes
along , without respite, a policy of big jobs , big - parking ,
close to or inside the walls. Now there are two in progress: 1 )
Door to Saint Lucia (north) into walls and towers was converted
into a shopping center with parking built , very showy , and 2)
work even heavier in the east, between the former and the beautiful
furnace Volponi walls of San Bartolo overlook where the monastery
of St. Clare ( Francesco di Giorgio ), Palazzo Passionei ( Laurana
), etc. . in the face of San Bernardino mausoleum of the Dukes (
Francesco di Giorgio ): Here is another accomplished , the largest
shopping mall with parking, connected - with rack - the walls themselves.
Which are so invested in directly."
Emiliani- Il Resto del Carlino 28 june 2009

in mind that a few hundred feet below there is already a large supermarket
Conad for months and that the escalator will remain completely unused.
While the two commercial facilities will attract more traffic. A
snake, therefore, that bites its own tail. The mayor Corbucci months
ago theorized that with Codest complex plant "repopulates" the spopolatissimo
historical center ... How, pray tell? Rather, I predict the exact
opposite (as noted by an economist at the level of Paul Leon on
the same "Duchy"): the new shopping centers always lead, inexorably,
the closure of the shops were, and here, within the walls, were
those few who still serve the residents survivors. Which, in turn,
being older, will be induced to leave."
Emiliani- Il Resto del Carlino 28 june

Planimetric framing of the New Consortium of Urbino. The site is
located in the Renaissance walls and at the Bastion St. Bartolo.
do not know what strategic mind
Has recommended this ( as, in His Time , the Plan color fortunately
foiled ) . It Seems to me crazy for this marvelous historic center
That some have special laws of the state, in the best years , beautifully
preserved (at least until the date of scarring under Torricini )
. The historic center of the beautiful fruit That money and time
is invested , and ugly , from the " great work " expensive and unnecessary
. Like the famous " strap " from Fermoy in Urbino just opened and
, as it turned , it is a useless stump (but at least we were Able
to Achieve it , in large part , in the gallery). Those same money
would have yielded to blackberries if the traffic Destined For Pesaro
and Rimini - Catholic . Like the other for the useless , bleak shed
the Date (12 billion lire? ) That Could be invested , for example
, in the restoration of old houses to be allocated for rent agreement
, or social , to young couples . But the rationality of the programs,
the sense of the city where have they gone ? "
Emiliani- Il Resto del Carlino 28 june 2009

now, everything went well, the opening was a success and I certainly
can not complain about anything, especially given the period we
are going through, certainly not one of the happiest. Although to
make a real budget will have to wait at least a year, "said Sauro
Torelli, owner of the construction company, the Torelli Chartered
spa owner. Of course the work is not yet fully completed, lack of
finish, the garden is planted with fresh and lacks the grassy cover
that would camouflage the structure and integrate it into the territory."
Ducato - 16 April 2012

the downtown merchants do they say? They fear the competition of
the new mall? Mistake to think are incidents in which angry . Stefano
Leg, Leg holder Emporium , does not seem to worry too much, indeed,
" Our clientele is mainly composed of college students who live
in the center and tourists, who do not think will ever come to Urbino
to visit the " Consortium " . The building complex could even turn
into an attraction for those who live in the district : after shopping
at the mall , you may also want to save him for a walk through the
streets of the city. What really worries me is the economic crisis
affecting all Italian families , not this one. It does not seem
particularly upset even Matteo Ugolini , owner of herbal The Mandrake
Via Raffaello . " A little ' surely you will split the market share
also with the shopkeepers of the complex, but I think the damage
to the business will be very limited : the clientele of the center
is different from that of the mall "..
Ducato - 16 april 2012

new doors of Urbino "is the title of the exhibition that will be
presented Friday, March 27, 2012 , at 15:00 , in room Raphael, in
Piazza della Repubblica . The exhibition aims to illustrate to the
public the two projects regarding the areas of Port Saint Lucia
and the former Agricultural Association of Urbino. The Company "
Torelli Doctors" Spa , in charge of two projects commissioned the
Research Laboratory on Advanced Communication ( Larica ) of the
Faculty of Sociology, University of Urbino to inform the public
, so that the two work plans to integrate maximum among the population.
During the months of October and November 2008 have been carried
out of the group interviews with residents and college students,
the "focus" to collect suggestions on projects. The initiative has
gained attention among the participants, who expressed expectations
and sometimes confusion . More interviews, with the use of images,
we are doing these days. The area behind the walls of the ancient
port and Duke will be renewed in order to facilitate access to the
city center. The "New Port Saint Lucia " will host the bus station
, car parks, shops and offices. The "New Consortium" , host of shops,
offices, recreation areas and parking lots. The date of completion
of work is scheduled for 2011."
from the "Fano informa": Porta S. Lucia and Ex Consortium,
an exhibition to inform the public.

The new doors of Urbino "will open with a press conference that
will also assist the public, which will participate in the Regional
Superintendent for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Marche Paul
Carini, the mayor of Urbino Franco Corbucci, the 'Managing Director
of the Company "Torelli Doctors" Spa, Sauro Chartered, the executive
dell'Uffici Public Works of the City of Urbino Michele Happy, and
the scientific secretary of the Laboratory of Research on Advanced
Communication (Larica) of the Faculty of Sociology, University of
Urbino, Roberta Bartoletti. The exhibition will run until 13 April
from the "Fano informa": Porta S. Lucia and Ex Consortium,
an exhibition to inform the public.
New Housing Development of the New Consortium, area S. Bartolo.
Renderind designers. Under the framework landscaped volumes 'above
ground' clearly visible behind the walls going up to the city since
the Convent of St. Chiara.
is a new volume that overlaps and contrasts systematically, despite
the green built, with the skyline of the city of Urbino by altering
the balance heavily from the south. A clear and irreconcilable conflict
between the circuit of the Renaissance walls of the village and
a but no longer pristine landscape altered by large volumes of bricks
above ground unshielded from the green system. the project did not
have to hear it to see how volume, but it's exactly the opposite
happened An apparent conflict exists between the circuit and the
Renaissance walls of the village and a more pristine landscape but
not altered by large volumes of bricks above ground not shielded
by the green system. the project did not have to hear it to see
how volume, but it's exactly the opposite happened."
- October 2012

The New Housing Porta S. Lucia nearing completion and without the
integration of green - View from the parking Hospital in January
Terminal is ready for the inauguration. The huge structure
that has dug a whole hill under the door St. Lucia, is a complex
'pharaonic' to the small town of Urbino, with 9-storey, 2500 square
feet of all property Doctors of the Torelli spa The sixth and seventh
are ready to accommodate commercial establishments, including the
first electronics store in the city and a Coop. environmental impact
of this final structure is to be verified, we will know the outcome
will be included only when additions of green vegetation and the
various morphologies in 6 levels, assuming that manage to integrate
the new volume with the profile of the existing hill. has not been
done to study the ring makes no real impact on the system outside
of the landscape but only accurate and detailed photo realistic
views of the interiors of stores and malls."

New Housing Porta S. Lucia nearing completion and without the integration
of green. Seen from the Viale Giuseppe di Vittorio, a few hundred
yards from - January 2014.

New Housing Porta S. Lucia, detail of porch that will house the
bus station at the ground floor. Seen from the Viale Giuseppe Vittorio
- January 2014. |